Phenomenological approach to psychotic symptoms means that the experience of the patient is reached by direct contact or communication not by inferences or deduction. What the psychotic individual really experiences can be summerized as follows ; We experience not in geographic space but in landscape space. In landscape space we experience “what happens to me in the world “,in contrast to geographic space where we experience “what happens in the world As I experience in landscape space I am affected, seized, and beset by it. My being-affected is determined not by objective characteristics. The experience of being influenced is determinned by the physiognomic characters. The word physiognomy is to be used whenever the other is not of a neutral quality but reveals itself as luring, alarming, calming or threatening, as a friendly or hostile action-center. Hence, too, calming or threatening phsiognomics are not inferred but felt in the immediacy of sensory experience. So, sensory experiencing and experiencing the real are one and the same. In sensory experience there is no question of validity according to general rules. The reality of sensory experience needs no subsequent justification. It is before and above doubt. Its legitimacy is seonsory experience itself-i.e., my being-beset, the appertaining of an event to my experience. The other is real insofar as it affects and has affected me. Hallucination originates in the pathological alterations of my being seized. The severest disturbances can be expected when the I-other relations are most deeply altered, where a pathological disturbance of one’ s relations to the other so alters direction, distance, and boundary that the other appears, as it were, in new aspects. At this points hallucination originates and the core of hallucination is located in the medium of distorted sensory modalities
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