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KCI등재 학술저널

대학입시 스트레스가 고등학생의 자아정체감 발달에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Entrance Examination Stress on the Development o f Ego Identity in High School Students

  • 150

In order to find out the correlation between the level of ego identity and the level of entrance examination stress, authors studied 457 samples of high school students of both sex from 4 different areas of Seoul. the results were as follows. 1) The level of entrance examination stress were greater in 3rd grades than in 1st grades and also in girls.compared to boys. 2) There were no difference in the mean score of Dignan’ s ego identity scale between different sex or grades. 3) Statistically, there was significant negative correlation between level of ego identity and stress of entrance examination.(Pearson’ s correlation coefficient was —0.4484) 4) Subjects with higher level of entrance examination stress showed lower level of ego identity development. 5) Subjects who developed the same physical or psychiatric symptoms during last 6 months showed lower level of ego identity compared to those who didn’t

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