최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신과적 약물치료의 어려운 상황들

Difficult Situations in Psychopharmacological Treatment

  • 8

Even though the development of psychopharmacology has influenced on the exploration and the treatment of the psychiatric disorders, there are many difficult situations in psychopharmacological treatment. The author looked over the situations that could produce difficulties according to each step of the psychopharmacological treatment, and made some suggestions for the resolution of them : 1) The therapist should be well experienced and mastered. 2) The pharmacotherapy should be done psychotherapeutically. 3) Th psychopharmacotherapy should be individualized. 4) Short-term drug therapy at lowest effective doses should be the principle. 5) There should be well-equipped laboratories for plasma drug monitoring. 6) The elucidation of etiology and pathophysiology of mental illnesses should be preceded. 7) There should be development of new specific psychopharmacological drugs.

서 언

정신과적 약물치료의 난점

제 안

