The Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS) was administered to 811 Korean elementary school children from grade 4 to 6 to provide the reliability and validity for the use of the scale in Korea and to examine the structure and the dimensions of the scale. The results were as follows * 1) Item-total correlations were between the range of .27—.57. Mean of the item-item correlation coefficients was .103 and Alpha coefficient reliability estimate was .809. 2) Test-retest reliability coefficients was .794 and split half reliability coefficient was also determined and were in the .821-.858 range. 3) In administering along with the STAIC, the correlation coefficients between STAIC-T and RCMAS, STAIC-S and RCMASwere .691,.526 respectively, which suggests the validity of the RCMAS especially as a measure of chronic manifest anxiety. 4) 5 Factor (4 anxiety factors and 1 lie factor) emerged on factor analysis, which accounted for 35.4% of the total variance. 5) The 28 anxiety items yielded a total group means of 12.85 (S .D .: 5.67) and the 9 Lie items yielded a total group means of 2.62 (S .D . 2.05). Anxiety score did not differ across sex and grade. For the Lie scale, significant differences appeared by grade. 6) Compared with the foreign students, Korean students (both boys and girls) showed significantly low scores on the Lie scale. Korean girl students showed lower scores on the anxiety scale than American girl students.
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