To investigate the relationship between DST and lymphocyte change in psychiatric patients, DST and CBC were performed in 72 inpatients at the department of neuropsychiatry of Ewha Women,s University Hospital, from Jun. 1987 to Feb. 1989. The results were as follows; 1) We categorized subjects as depression-nonsuppressor group(n=1 5), depression-suppressor group(n=1 8), schizophrenia group(n=25) and other neuroses group(n=1 4). We found no significant difference in age among groups, but the female ratio was higher in depression-nonsuppressors than other groups. 2) Percentage of nonsuppressors of DST and mean serum cortisol level of post-DST were significantly higher in depressives than in other diagnostic groups. 3) We found no differences in total WBC count among the groups, but the percentage and the absolute count of lymphocyte were significantly lower in depression-nonsuppressor group in comparison with other groups. 4) There was a significant negative correlation between plasma cortisol concentration and blood lymphocyte counts. Consequently, this study suggests a close interaction between cortisol metabolism and lymphocyte regulation in depressives.
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