최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

기질성 정신장애를 수반한 주정 중독증 환자의 정신의학적 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Psychiatric Characteristics of Alcoholics with Organic Mental Disordres

  • 7

To investigate general characteristics of alcoholics associated with organic mental disorders( OMD) and to establish the preventive guidance of developing OMD in alcoholics, author selected 191 cases from 407 alcoholics admitted to the Seoul National Mental Hospital from January, 1982 to January, 1986. The patients were divided into two groups as the group of OMD(64 cases) and the group of non-OMD(l27 cases), and evaluated both groups according to mean age, age of first drinking, sex, presence of family history, presence of psychiatric illness, presence of abnormal physical or laboratory findings, duration of excessive drinking, frequencies of drinking, kinds of alcohol, and premorbid personalities. The results were summarized as follows; 1) The mean age(42.2±8.3 years) and the duration of drinking(19.0± 7.0 years) were significantly higher in the group of OMD than the group of non-OMD. 2) In the group without associated psychiatric illness and drinking everyday, the frequencies of OMD were significantly higher in the group of OMD than the group of non-OMD. 3) The age of initial drinking, sex, presence of family history, presence of abnormal physical or laboratory findings, duration of excessive drinking, kinds of alcohol, and premorbid personality were not significant between both groups.

서 론

연구대상 및 방법


고 찰

결 론

