최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

청소년 양극성장애에 대한 임상적 고찰

A Clinical Study of Adolescent Bipolar Disorder

  • 37

To investigate the clinical features of adolescent bipolar disorder, we compared 35 adolescent patients with adult controls and the results are as follows: 1) Mania and depression as modes of first episode in adolescent-onset group are equal in frequency. 2) Family history of bipolar disorder in adolescent-onset group is higher in frequency than adult-onset group. 3) History of parental loss or separation shows the trend of higher frequency in adolescent- onset group than adult-onset group. 4) Precipitating factors of both groups are equal in frequency. 5) Hypomanic personality is the most frequent and cyclothymic personality is the next frequent premorbid personality. 6) The comparative study of symptoms of manic episode shows that the frequency of idea of reference, psychotic confusion, and mood incongruent hallucination is higher in adolescent-onset group than adult-onset group and shows the trend of higher frequency of euphoric or elated mood in adult-onset group than adolescent-onset group. But the frequency of hypersexuality or irritability is significantly higher in adolescent group. 7) The associated diagnosis is conduct disorder in adolescent-onset group is conduct disorder and alcoholism in adult-onset group. 8) Adolescent-onset bipolar disorder is misdiagnosed as schiziphrenia or schizophreniform disorder most frequently and as brief reactive psychosis next frequently. 9) The frequency of lithium side effects of both groups is equal in general but nausea and vomiting, goiter are more frequent in adolescent-onset group. 10) Lithium dosage in adolescent-onset group within the therapeutic serum level is relatively higher than that of adult-onset group. 11) The onset of drug response in adolescdent-onset group is significantly later than adult-onset group. 12) Mean frequency of episode per year in adolescent-onset group is significantly higher than adult-onset group. 13) There was no defference in druation of admission between the groups.

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