최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

망상을 가진 조증환자의 임상적 연구

Clinical Study on Manic Patients with Delusion in Mood Disorder

  • 15

In this study, the author reported the various clinical characteristics of 60 patients who were diagnosed as manic episode with delusion in mood disorder. 60 manic patients with delusion were divided into two groups, mood congruent group(N = 2 4) and mood incongruent group(N =36), and two groups were compared with each other in frequency and characteristics of delusion, sex distribution, age at onset, marital status, educational level, familial loading, premorbid personality predisposing factors, and therapeutics responses. The 66.78 of manic patient had delusion. 26.7 % were mood congruent group and 40.0 were mood incongruent group. In mood congruent group, ther was no significant difference in sex ratio, but in mood incongruent group, the sex ratio was 1 to 2.3 male to female. There was no siginificant difference in age at onset between mood congruent group and mood incongruent group(28.1 years versus 26.5 years). There was no significant difference in marrital status between mood congruent group and mood incongruent group, and patient in two groups were single(66.7% of mood congruent group and 72.2^ of mood incongruent group). Their educational level was high,and there was no siginificant difference between mood congruent group and mood incongruent group. In familial loading of mood disorder, the number of family history of mood disorder in mood incongruent group was higher than in mood congruent group(l6.7% versus 4.28). In permorbid personality, cyclothymic personality was found frequently in mood incongruent group, and cyclothimic personality and hypomanic personality were found frequently in mood congruent group. There was no siginificant difference between mood congruent group and mood incongruent group in therapeutic response at the time of admission and 1 week after admission, but when they were evaluated at 2,4,6 and 8 weeks after admission, mood congruent group showed much better improvement than mood inconqruent group.

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연구대상 및 연구방법

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