After the therapeutic community reconstructed in Korea Veterans Hospital, various events and activation of programs for past two years have been evaluated through subjective report of therapy team, and after-meeting and various activities. With a presentation of the development and modification of several important programs in Bohoon therapeutic community, we tried to reveal the independent variables which affects the therapeutic change in therapeutic community. The therapeutic effects of milieu in the ward were evaluated with WAS once a month during three stage, connecting the independent variables. The relation between independent variables and two years changes of theraputic milieu was also presented. The results were as follows; 1) While therapeutic milieu was not progressively developed, there was an oscillation in function of therapeutic milieu depending on period and independent variables. 2) There were specific stages, such as initial stage, stage of slump, and stage of oscillation. 3) The independent variables such as programs and events influenced therapeutic milieu. 4) There is a limitation in evaluation of the direct interrelation among specific changes of therapeutic milieu because of complicated operating mode of independent variables in most cases.
서 론
치료공동체로의 재구성과 2년간의 변천
치료환경의 평가척도 (WAS)에 따른 치료 환경 변화의 추적
결 과
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결 론