The Kangwha Psychiatric Epidemiologic Survey was done as the first step of Kangwha Health Project. Summary of the survey design were as follows : 1) 2195 subjects were selected by single stage random cluster sampling. 2) As a survey instrument the Korea version of NIMH-Diagnostic Interview Schedule were used, which was verified with a validity test by the present authors. 3) 30 lay-interviewers who were high school graduates or college students were trained for two weeks and 26 of them conducted home visiting survey for one month. 4) Out of total 2195 selected subjects, 1450 subjects were interviewed completely, thus the completion rate was 66.10%. 5) Data was sent to and analyzed in the University of Texas with DIS-Program which had been developed in Wasington University.
서 론
대상지역의 설정과 표본추출
면담도구의 개발
본 조 사
자료의 처리 및 분석
고 찰
결 론