The Kangwha Psychiatric Epidemiologic Survery, a first step of Kangwha Mental Health project, was conducted using the Korean version of NIMH-Diagnostic Interview Schedule III A which was developed by us. Subjects was selected according to single stage random cluster sampling and 1,450 interviewes were completed. The results of lifetime prevalence were as follows : 1) Alcohol use disorder(26.7%), Pathologic gambling(6.2%) and generalized anxiety disorders(5. 95% ) were the three most prevalent disorders. 2) Alcohol use disorder was more prevalent in male(49.44% & 2.93%) while generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive episode were more in female. 3) The lifetime prevalence rates of major depressive episode and obsessive-compulsive disorder were decreased as age growing older, but dysthymia, generaliged anxiety disorder and cognitive impaitment increased. 4) The lifetime prevalence rates of almost all disorders were generally more prevalent in married group than in unmmarried group. 5) Alcohol use disorder and cognitive impairment were more prevalent in the group of agreculture than in the group of other occupation. 6) The lifetime prevalence rates of all disorders, except alcohol use disorder, in our study were generally lower than those in other studies.
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연구대상 및 방법
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