The authors studied the correlationship between death of significant person and their affective state such as depression and anxiety in psychiatric in-patients. SDS designed by Zung & Durham(1965) and SAS developed by Zung(l97l) were administered to the subjects. 428 subjects were sampled by 3 stage clustered stratified probability proportional extraction method from 18 nationwide psychiatric hospitals. Those were 173 bereaved persons as a study population and 255 non-bereaved persons as a control group. Collected data were processed by statistical measures of chi-suqare test, ANOVA, multiple regression analysis and the results were as follows •• 1) Both depression and anxiety level were more significantly elevated among bereaved persons than non-bereaved persons, and depressive trend was more closely related with object loss than anxiety trend. 2) Among depressive trends, pervasive affect, rhythmic disturbance and psychomotor activity were more closely related with object loss. 3) Of all the anxiety trends, physical symptoms such as respiratory, CNS, musculoskeletal symptoms of anxiety showed more closely related with object loss than other anxiety trends. 4) Death of friends was single most significant object loss to the depression and death of parents was most closely related with anxiety.
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