최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

特定精神病院에 入院한 慢性 精神疾患者의 身體疾患의 樣相에 關한 研究

A Study on the Pattern of the Physical Problems in Chronic Psychiatric Patients

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Chronic psychiatric patients often fail to receive adequate general medical care. Of 227 chronic psychiatric inpatients, 46 percent suffered from one or several physical illness requiring treatment and that 20 percent had some non-specific medical abnormalities that were previously undiagnosed. Morbidity in the chronic psychiatric inpatients far surpassed the expected rate found in the general population. These high morbidity may be due to the poor physical care in the past, and the difficulties in seeking and using physical care chronic patients usually have. A plea is made for careful medical evaluation of psychiatric patients and this would improve medical care for chronic psychiatric patients. Implications for current practice and psychiatric management are considered.

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研究對象 및 方法

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