경련성 장애와 정동장애 환자에서의 Carbamazepine 투여량과 혈중농도 ᅳ예비적 연구ᅳ
Carbamazepine Doses and Its Therapeutic Serum Concentration in Patients with Epilepsy and Affective Disorder - A Preliminary Study—
Carbamazepine, known as anticonvulsant, has been reevaluated recently as a useful drug in affective disorders and some other psychiatric conditions. The authors studied the relationship between the oral dosage of carbamazepine and its blood level by fluorescent fluorometry in sixteen patients with seizure disorders and thirteen patients with affective disorders who had been on constant dose of carbamazepine over two weeks. When the therapeutic blood level was achieved, the mean of daily dose of carbamazepine were 637.5± 185.7 mg in the patients with seizure disorders and 461.5± 150.2mg in the patients with affective disorders. The difference in the required daily doses carbamazepine between the two groups showed statistical significance(P<.01). The result suggests that there may be different mode of action or pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine between the seizure disorders and affective disorders.
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