Regulation of the quantity of different types of leukocytes has not been adequately investigated in patients with psychiatric illness. Kronfol et al have noted a significant association between leukocyosis, neutrophilia, and mania, and lymphopenia and depression. In this study, leukocytes especially neutrophills and lymphocytes were counted in 20 untreated depressive patients, 43 untreated schizophrenic patients and 36 neurotic patients. A significant increase numbers of neurophils and sigificant decrease in the numbers of lymphocytes were found in the depressive patients. Furthermore, when compared to normative values from the general population, depressive patients showed higher frequencies of both reutrophilia and lymphopenia than the schizophrenic and neurotic patients. Glucocorticoids have for a long time been associated with hematologic changes consisting of neutrophlia and lymphopenia. Changes very similar to this, were observed in depressed patients in this study. Since depression is more frequently associated with hypercortisolemia than are the schizoprenic disorder and neurosis, it is reasonable to attribute the hematologic differences between depression and, schizophrenic disorder and neurosis, at least in part, to excess cortisol in the depressive patients. However, since cortisol levels were not obtained in my patients, this issue remains a matter of speculation but regardless of the mechanism involved, the present data indicate significant differencs in the regulation of blood cell elements in depressve, schizoprenic and neurotic patients.
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