최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

한국어판 소아용 진단적 면담검사의 개발과 타당도 조사

Development of Korean Version of the NIMH-Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children and It’s Validity Test

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National Institute of Mental Health Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (N IM H - D IS C ) was translated into Korean version through several times of back-translation and expert-review. We studied the validity of N IM H —DISC Korean Version by examining agreements between DISC diagnoses and clinical diagnoses. 52 subjects and their parents were concurrently interviewed by lay-interviewers using the DISC, who had been trained for 10 weeks. Of the all subjects, 27 were outpatients or inpatients at child psychiatric clinic of Yonsei Hospital and 25 were the psychiatric outpatients at School Health Center. The results were as follow; 1) It was necessary to take several times of back-translation and expert-review in developing the Korean Version of DISC. 2) Kappa values of agreement between DISC diagnoses and clinical diagnoses were low except schizophrenic disorder, so DISC does not seem to be useful to diagnose the child psychiatric disorders

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