DMS-III Scale of Alcohol Abuse Dependence, MAST, KAST, Cahalan’s Scale, PDS and Skinner’s Scale translated into Korean and items reported by alcoholics were self-reported by 66 male patients with the diagnosis of alcohol abuse or dependence and 69 social drinkers from August 1987 to February 1988. Discriminant function analysis using SPSS/PC + based on the scores of 152 items was carried out to examine the accuracy and 19 selected items with discriminating power were classified by the 10 categories and the 30 subcategories which was derived from analysis of the each scales. The results were as follorws; 1) The item with discriminating power related to the reason for drinking w as,Drinking to relieve the feelings of self-pity’ . 2) The items with discriminating power related to the styles of drinking were ’ Preference of drinking alone’ ,’ Drink with people who are inferior to oneself’ , ’ Morning drinking’ . 3) The item with discriminating power related to the blackout was ’ Amnesia in the morning about the evening before’ . 4) The item with discriminating power related to the psycholgical dependence was ’ Compelling desire to drink’ . 5) The item with discriminating power related to the tolerance was ’ Increasing amounts of alcohol required to achieve desired effect, or diminished effect with regular use of same dose’ . 6) The items with discriminating power related to the psychophysical complications were ’ When out of alcohol, experienced sweating, hand tremor, frustration of insomnia’ , ’ Intermittent hangover’ , I have there after heavy drinking,. 7) The items with discriminating power related to the social complications were ’ Spouse leaves or threatens to leave the respondent or is chronically angry or concerned over the respondent’s drinking’ , ’ Drinking created problems with me and wife’ , ’ Wife (or parents) worry or complain about my drinking’ , ’ I feel that drinking has been harmful to friendships and social life’ ,’ People at work suggest that I cut down on drinking’ , ’ Drinking impaired on important human relationship’ . 8) The items with discriminating power related to the treatment w e re ,I have received the treatment due to drink related problems’, ’ I have ever been a patient in a psychiatric hospital or on a psychiatric ward of a genral hospital where drinking was a part of the problem’ , ’ I have attended a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous(AA).
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