To investigte the risk factors of tardive dyskinesia, we checked sleep-stage 3, 4 EEG in 31 tardive and 27 control patients. EEG findings were classified into- B-mitten, borderline abnormality, B-mitten absent, A-mitten, and A-l mitten. The results are as follows * 1) EEG findings in the tardive patients are not different significantly from those of the control patients. 2) Distribution of B-mitten EEG pattern in the tardive patients is not different significantly from that of the control patients. 3) There is a significant difference in the sex distribution of the B-mitten EEG pattern, the male tardive patients show it more frequently than the control patients do, however not in females. Thus, a conclusion could be m ade.: B-mitten EEG pattern may be regarded as a risk factor for TD, espectially in male patients.
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연구대상 및 연구방법
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