The authors conducted a study on the therapeutic factors of group therapy mainly for married pateints admitted to a milieu therapeutic psychiatric ward in Wonju Christian Hospital. 1) Concerning therapeutic factors, existential awareness and instillation of hope were judged to be the most important factors. 2) The correlation between gender and therapeutic factors was not statistically significant(p〉0.05). For those in their 20s’,catharsis and universality were important, meanwhile for those over 30 years old, existential awareness and instillation of hope were important. 4) The correlation between marital status and therapeutic factors was statistically significant(p〈0. 05); in married patients, existential awareness and instillation of hope were important, and in single or divorced patients, catharsis and existential awareness were important. 5) The correlation between education level and therapeutic factors was statistically significant(p<0. 05); in the patients with education of primary school or less, existential awareness and instillation of hope were important, in the patients of junior high school education, universality was important, and in the patients of high school education, instillation of hope, existential awareness and catharsis were important. Finally, in the patients with college diploma, existenial awareness, catharsis and instillation of hope were important. 6) The correlation between a patient’s adjustment level to ward life and therapeutic factors was not statistically significant(p〉0.05). 7) Regarding the degree of help that group therapy provided, 27.7% of the patients reported that the therapy was “very helpful” ; 60.5% said it was “helpful”, and the remaining 11.8% said it was “not helpful”. The correlation between the level of help and therapeutic factors was not statistically significant(p〉0.05). 8) Of those patients’ participating in the group therapy, 40.7% were active members, 56.7% were passive members, and 3.3% were negativistic or disturbed members. These factors and therapeutic factors were not statistically correlated(p〉0.05). 9) Marital conflicts were the most frequently discussed themes in the group therapy in this study. Therapeutic factors were not statistically different between the themes of events before admission and the themes of the here and now situation(p〉0.05). 10) The phase of therapy(early sessions vs. late sessions) and the therapeutic factors were not statistically correlated(p〉0.05).
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