최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

종합병원 입원환자의 정신과 자문에 대한 고찰

Inpatients Psychiatric Consultation in a General Hospital

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We reviewed the medical records of 557 cases who had received psychiatric consultation from October 1,1983 to March 31, 1987 at Daejeon St. Mary’s Hospital located in Chung-Nam Province, and analyzed consultation rates, reasons for consultation, psychiatric diagnose비 consultee’s concordance with the consultants^ recommendations, age and monthly distribution, places of consultation, and routes of admission of the consulted patients. The results were as follows: 1) Overall psychiatric consultation rate was 1.64% of total inpatient populations, and the rates were two times greater from the medical parts than from the surgical parts. 2) Affective disorders(27.1%) were the most common psychiatric diagnoses followed by organic mental disorders, somatoform disorders, suicide attempts and anxiety disorders. 3) Among various concordance rates with consultants’ recommendations, that of psychotropic drug recommendation was the highest(86.0%) and that of diagnostic representation was the lowest(40.8%). 4) The age group of twenties showed the highest consultation rate(25.1%) and that of over sixties was 12.2%. The consultation rate was highest in March(2.17%). 5) As to the immediate reasons for psychiatric consultations, physical symptoms with no laboratory abnormalities were highest(22.4%), followed by suicide attempts, grossly disturbed behaviors, and ^«fessive ^motional reactions. f 6) As to the diagnoses of transferred patients to psychiatric inpatients, affective disorders were the most frequent(41.8%), followed by organic mental disorders, somatoform disorders, and schizophrenic disorders. 7) Psychiatric consultations were requested from inpatients wards four times more than those from intensive care unit. But as to the admission routes of the consulted inpatients, there was no difference between outpatients department and emergency room in the consultation ratio.

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