factors contributing to the problems of complicance and noncomplicance. The subjects of this study were 55 schizophrenic patients who were discharged during the two years between 1981 and 1982. During that period, total 195 schizophrenics were discharged, but among them 60 cases could be follow-up in OPD during study period from July 1, 1987 to June 30,1988. Five cases refused to be a sample of this study. Thus, the authors could conduct semistructred interview with 55 cases. The significant results were as follows. 1) Seven point three percent of the subjects could be regarded as good compliant subjects who had visited OPD and taken antipsychotics regularly, whereas the other 92.7% as relatively poor compliant patients who had missed OPD visiting at least 3 months and manifested drug defaulting at least one week. The compliant patient tended to increase in number as time passed. 2) The main reasons of discontinuation of psychiatric treatment were as follows the disagreement in disease concept and psychiatric method of treatment, the real or fantasied concerns with habituation and the side-effects of antipsychotics, the idiosyncratic meaning of treatment, the economic difficulty, the diasppointment for psychiatric treatment, the poor family cooperation and the attempt of getting gains by exploiting, the disease process on stress. 3) The main reasons of good compliance to psychiatric treatment were the favorable doctor-patient relationship, the symptom relief and theraputic effect of antipsychotics, the good cooperation of the family members, the dependency need to psychiatric treatment, active motivation of treatment by patient, concrete thinking, unrealistic and future expectation of recovery and the prominent sickrole
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