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KCI등재 학술저널

고부문제에 대한 여성의 태도조사

Women’ s Attitudes toward Mother-in-law/Daughter-in-law Conflict

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In this attitude survey making use of Q-methodology,the authors attempted to identify the attidtues of women toward mother-in-law/daughter-in-law conflict in order to provide materials for the professionals who involved in counseling and treatment of women’ s emotional problems. Thirty six statements related to mother-in-law/daughter-in-law conflict were Q-sorted by 73 women of various backgrounds who are not mother-in-law. The data were statistically analysed by Q-factor analysis and 5 factors could be extracted. The characteristic features of each factor were as follows : Factor A : The women of this factor insist on social participation of women and are in search of individual security and happiness. They refuse to live with and support their parent-in-law and look down traditional life style and values. They are only interested in their own personal interest. They are mostly thirties and urbanites. These women could be named as “The Egocentrics’ . Factor B : The women of this factor are sensitive to the women’ s right and insist on equal opportunity between men and women. They have an opinion that mother-in-law/daughter-in-law conflict depends on each personality characteristic. They denounce both traditional and egoistic views, and unerstand mother-in-law’ s position reasonably. They express it is better way to make a decision whether to live together or not according to the mutual convenience. The name “The Realists” is most likely. Factor C * These women criticize contemporary attitude of daughter-in-law that is highly individualistic. On the other, they regard living together with parent-in-law as an old fashion. They refuse to take a role in solving conflict, and tend to put all responsibility on their husbands both in causing and solving the problem. They do not have their own ideas and project the problem unto the others. Their backgrounds are not characteristic. “The Unreliables” could be named to them. Factor D Principal attitude toward life of the women classified into this group is to regard wise mother and good wife and self-sacrificing life as a virtue. They are traditional in their value system and want to live together with parent-in-law. They are confident that this kind of living can be of much help both to the daughter-in law and to the mother-in-law. They are mostly married, the forties, undereducated and believers. “The Conservatives” could be named to them. Factor E * Basic attitude toward life of these women is not altruistic, not traditional, but interested in realistic advantage. They hold firmly the idea of preference of son over daughter, because of it’s realistic advantage. They think, it is better to follow parent-in-laws will in the decision whether to live together or not. They are mostly rural housewives. The name of “The Utilitarians” is most likely. Variability of the attitude was discussed in terms of recent situation of acculturation. And clinical significance and counseling strategy of each factor were formulated after evaluation of characteristics of each factor.

서 론

조사대상 및 방법

결 과

고 찰

결 론

