“Literature and Autobiographies”originated from the view of On life & letters of Anatole France. In China, Yu Dafu carried forward this view, but he didn t think highly of it and at the same time he was affected by the“Truth of Photography”of Naturalism. Until Eileen Chang got into literary circle, the method of literary creation was given a more thorough expression and had aroused great attention. For instance, her autobiographical work, Little Reunion, sold a million copies, whenever that s an amazing figure. Eileen Chang also agreed with the view of Mark Twain who said “Truth is stranger than fiction”.Furthermore, she also had encountered a lots of incredible twists and turns in life.
Ⅰ. 引言
Ⅱ. 郁達夫告白式寫法: 張愛玲承繼並加以發揚的遺產
1) .自敘傳文學與法朗士
2) 盧騷《懺悔錄》的影響
3) 對盧騷的愛情小說的《新愛洛絡時》的高度評價
Ⅲ. 自然主義的影響
1) 達爾文的進化論的影響
2) 左拉式家族史﹑風俗史的寫作
3) 破滅型和調和型历史抒写
Ⅳ. 敘事治療: 與情緒和解
Ⅴ. 结语