The author reviewed several cases in the literature in order to clarify the concepts of borderline disorders in terms of historical viewpoint. At the begining, borderline disorder was interpreted as a part of schizophrenia. But schmideberg( 1959) gave the name of borderline syndrome to borderline disorders so that it could have a sparate diagnostic identity. Grinker’ s experimental study(1968) and Kerngberg’ s psychoanalytical study(1975) of borderline disorders made a contribution to consolidate borderline disorders as disease entity. Gunderson (1975) made diagnostic criteria of borderline personality disorder as a separate disease identity in DSM-III. In spite of this effort, the author could not find any common features in these cases. So the author suggests that the same diagnostic criterias should be able to be applied interchangeabley, before the borderline disorders are considered as an unitary diagnostic entity.
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