The available literature on the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder are reviewed. Following features provide a rational means for diagnosing borderline patients * the presense of intense affect (usually anger or depression), impulsive behavior, social maladaptiveness, brief psychotic experiences, and vascilating interpersonal relationship. Diagnostic criteria of DSM-III-R are also discussed. Gunderson’ s Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines(DIB) is reviewed and the reliability of the diagnosis is discussed. DIB is a semistructured tool to assess five areas of functioning considered most characteristic of borderline patients-social adaptation, impulsive patterns, affects, psychosis, and interpersonal relations. In addition to DIB, the concept of Kernberg’ s borderline personality organization and his suggestion of structural diagnosing approach are described for the aim of understaning borderline patients. Through the review on differential diagnosis, the relationship between borderline personality disorders and other psychopathology are discussed. Among these, depression has close relationship with borderline personality disorder.
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