The authors investigated the antipsychotic effect of lithium in 24 chronic refractory schizophrenics with special interest in it’ s effects on positive and negative symptoms by a method of placebo controlled double-blined cross-over study. Subjects were divided into two sequences : Sequence 1 was Base-Lithium(4wks) — Placebo(4wks) — Lithium(4wks), and Sequence 2 was Base- Placebo(4wks) — Lithium(4wks) - Placebo(4wks). 24 schizophronics, diagnosed according to DSM-III-R, were randomly assigned to each sequences so that each sequence had the same number of patients. SAPS (Scale for the assessment of positive symptoms) and SANS (Scale for the assessment of negative symptoms) were used for the assessment of the subjects’ s mental status. 1) 9 of 24 subjects(31 깠 ) belonged to lithium-responder group * and others to lithium nonresponder group. 2) In 9 lithium-responders, statistically significant improvement was noticed in “severity of hallucination” as positive symptom and in “alogia” as negative symptom. 3) “Clothing & appearnce” among positive symptoms and “inappropriate affect” and ^subjective complaint of inattentiveness” among negative symptoms changed statistically significantly in all subjects (N —24). All global ratings did not change significantly after lithium treatment.
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