This study was to investigate 153 patients with alcoholic mental disorder who had been admitted to Wonkwang University Neuropaychiatric Hospital from July, 1984 to July, 1987, based on clinical records of psychiatric evaluation were ahalyzed and compared with previous studies. In addition, the MMPI results of 32 alcoholic inpatients were compared with those of 32 normal subjects. The diagnosis of alcoholic mental disorder was made primarilly according to DSM-III and ICD-9 for further reference. The results may be summarized as follows. 1) 96 percent of the patients with alcoholic mental disorder was male. In age distribution, 35.9 percent of these patients was 40,s and 30.7 percent, 50 s. 2) Diagnosis ; 44.4 percent of these patients was alcohol dependence and 26.8 percent was alcohol withdrawl delirium. Accoding to DSM-II, 55.6% was alcoholic psychosis. 3) The mode of hospitalization ; 54.9% percent was admitted via emergency room and 41.8% percent was through OPD. In the motive of hospitalization, 62.8 percent was admitted by compulsary and and 35.9 percent was with personal advice by others. 4) Duration of hospitalization ; 48.6 percent was within 2 weeks and 23.3 percent was more than 2 months, and it was significantly shorter in patients with insurance and no iusurance than medicaid. 5) The biginning age to drink alcohol ; 41.8 percent was 20-24 year-old, 25.5 percent was less than twenty year old and 16.4 percent was 25-29 year-old. In the duration of alcohol drinking, 73.6 percent was was more than 10 years. 6) The kinds of liquor ; 50.0 percent was a distilled spirit(So-Joo), 28.2 percent was mixed and 20.5 percent was Makkulli. 7) MMPI results ; the patients with alcoholic mental disorder have shown significantly higher scores in all scales except L and K scales than normal subjects. By configuration analysis, majorithy of these patients showed F-8-6-9-1 type.
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