일부 대학생 집단에서의 주정중독,담배의존,병적과 식욕증 및 병적도박의 유병율과 상관관계에 대한 연구
A Study of Prevalences and Correlations Among Alcoholism, Tobacco Dependence, Bulimia, and Pathologic Gambling in a Group of College Students
This study was conducted to estimate prevalences and correlations among alcohol use disorder, tobacco dependence, bulimia and pathologic gambling in a group of college students. A field survey was conducted using the diagnostic interview schedule-III(DIS-III) for 416 dormitory students of Yonsei University Wonju Campus from November 1, 1986 to November 30,1986. The results were as follows * 1) 28.0 % of male students and 5.8 % of female students, total 24.3 % showed tobacco dependence. 21.1% of male students, 2.9% of female students, the total 18.0% were alcohol abuser. In alcohol dependence, male students formed 7.2%, female students 2.9% and then the total 6.5%. None of the study subjects were found to be bulimic 18.7% of male students and none of the females were pathological gambler. 2) 12.7% of students had two or more diagnostic categories. Tobacco use disorder and alcohol use disorder(7.7%), pathologic gambling and tobacco use disorder(0.9%), alcohol use disorder and pathologic gambling(2.4 % ) were coexisting. 3) The odds ratio of pathologic gambling, alcohol use disorder and tobacco use disorder was significantly high ; 2.40-2.72. Pearson’ s correlation in every two of pathologic gambling, alcohol use disorder and tobacco use disorder were statistically significant ( r =0.3358—0.4919).
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연 구 대 상
연 구 방 법
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