This study is to investigate the clinical characteristics of the religious delusion or hallucination. Subjects are consisted of 18 males and 39 females, total 57 patients with the religious delusions or hallucinations and they are compared with 51 patients(24 males and 27 females) with nonreligious delusions or hallucinations. The results of this study are as follows : 1). As to the sex of the subjects, female outnumbered male by 2.2 : 1 in the study group. 2) The educational level is high school or above in both sexes. 3) As to the marital status of the religious delusion or hallucination group, there was more singes in male than in female(P<0.05). 4) The most common diagnosis was bipolar affective disorder, manic type in the study group. 5) The most prominent hallucination type was the auditory hallucination. Significantly higher number of the religious delusion or hallucination group was associated with more than two kinds or hallucination(P<C0.05). 6) There was significantly more behievers in the religious delusion or hallucination group(P< 0.001), than control group. 7) The most common kind of the religion was Christian in both group. 8) the main motive to have the religion was due to familial faith or friends advice. 9) Religious delusion or hallucination group utilized more religious or faith hedling type of treatment methods before the hospitalization (P<0.001). 10) The most common psychosocial stressor as a major precipitating factor was social adaptation problems in males and familial problems in females. 11) As to the concept of the mental illness in the family members, the supernatural concept was more frequently associated with religious delusion or hallucination group(P〈0.01).
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조사대상 및 방법
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