During the last thirty years, group psychotherapy has been established as a major treatment modality in most psychiatric settings with its highly cost-effective applicability, and as the treatment of choice for a wide range of patients with highly diverse problems as well as for many individuals without psychiatric diagnosis who organize self-help groups. Although research activities and training programs on group psychoatherapy have not been well organized in Korea, the practice of group psychotherapy has been progressively active in recent years that the future outlook of this treatment modality is bright. Such optimistic view is based on the authors’ review of current literatures and clinical expreinces. The followings are the summaries of the current issues collected from the review 1) Inpatient group therapy is an essential part of the therapeutic millieu. The practice of inpatient group therapy has several limitations ; the rapid turn over of the patients, inadequate motivations and dynamically heterogeneous nature of patients. 2) The most important problem of the group psychotherapy confronting in adolescence group is the identity crisis of members. However, as it is dealt in group effectively, most powerful therapeutic effect can be yield. The therapist should pay a keen attention on identity resistance and pseudoanalytic interactions. After overcoming such resistances, interpretation can be successful with sufficient time spent for the whole process. The introspetive self-analysis of the therapist on his own identity issues is also essential for the success of such group. 3) Training and supervision on the group therapy especially in inpatient milieu setting provides ample opportunity for trainees to understand and actialize the dynamics of the patients and the group. 4) Research activities on group psychotherapy have been rather scarce. However, it is expected to improve.
서 론
집단정신치료의 유형
입원환자들에서의 집단정신치료 (inpatient group psychotherapy)
청소년의 집단정신치료와 주체성(identity) 문제
집단치료의 수련과 지도감독(supervision)
집단치료의 연구동향과 치유인자(curative factors)
결 론