This study was performed to investigate the effects of tension and relaxation states on brain alpha activity. The subjects were composed of medical students, who were divided into two major groups. In the 1st group (34 subjects), percent alpha was measured under the tension state induced by Stroop test, and in the 2nd group (33 progressive relaxation subjects and 33 autogenic training subjects), percent alpha was measured before and after relaxation training. EMG level and state anxiety were also measured. The results were as follows : 1) In tension state, percent alpha was significantly reduced, and EMG level and state anxiety score were significantly increased (respectively, p<0.00l). 2) After one week of progressive relaxation training, percent alpha was significantly enhanced, and state anxiety score was significantly decreased (respectively, p<0.00l). EMG level was significantly decreased (p<0.05). 3) After one week of autogenic training, percent alpha was significantly enhanced (p<0.0l), and state anxiety score was sigificantly decreased (p〈0.001). 4) Analysis of variance showed that there was no significant difference between relaxation methods in terms of percent alpha, but significant enhancement of percent alpha after one week of relaxation training was observed compared with pretraining value. There was no significant interaction between methods and trials. In conclusion, this study confirms that alpha activity is reduced in tension state, and enhanced in relaxation state.
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연구대상 및 방법
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