In order to compare the cognitive functions between schizophrenia and mania, the author administered mini-mental state (MMS), mental test score (MTS) and Korean Wechsler intelligence scale (KWIS) for 30 schizophrenic and 20 manic hospitalized patients. No significant differences were found between schizophrenic patients and manic patients on the scores of MMS and MTS. Schizophrenic patients had significantly lower scores than manic patients on the subscales of ‘comprehension’ ‘arithmetic’ , ‘similarities’ and * picture arrangement’ of KWIS, but no significant differences were found between both groups on the subscales of ‘information’ and ‘block design’ of KWIS. These findings suggested that schizophrenic patients might be more impaired than manic patients on the cognitive functions which required more complex, abstract and logical thinking or sustanied attention, but those cognitive functions which required only simple memory or spontaneous visuomotor tasks might not be so impaired.
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