최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

입원한 행동장애아 및 정신의학적 청소년에 관한 연구

A Psychiatric Study on Hospitalized Children and Adolescents w ith Conduct Disorder

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To elucidate sociopsychiatric and clinical characteristics of hospitalized adolescents with conduct disorder the authors investigated 76 hospitalized adolescents in Seoul National Mental Hospital with the diagnosis of conduct disorder during the period form Jan. 1, 1982 to Feb. 29, 1988 and compared with 76 schizophrenic patients who were randomly selected from the total schizophrenic patients underthe age of 18 hospitalized during the same period. The results were as follows 1) The adolescents with conduct disorder represent 13.1^ of the total child and adolescent inpatients, and the conduct disorder was second most common disorder next to schizophrenia. 2) Boys were more common than girls at the ratio of 4.9 to 1 while the ratio in schizophrenic group was 1.7 to 1. 3) Although middle low economic status was most common in both group, the economic status of conduct disorder group was significantly higher than those of schizophrenic group. 4) Conduct disorder group tend to come from large urban residential area while schizophrenic group from rural area. Most common occupation of fathers were clerical and related works in conduct disorder group and agriculture and related works in schizophrenic group. 5) Parental divorce and separation were significantly more frequent in conduct disorder group than in schizophrenic group. 6) There was higher frequency of family history of antisocial personality disorder in conduct disorder group and prominantly higher frequency of family history of psychosis in schizophrenic group 7) Conduct disorder group showed higher rates of developmental problems such as distractibity, hyperactivity, temper tantrum, minor congenital anomalies and physical disease than schizophrenic group 8) The onset of age was earlier and abnormal EEG findings were higher in conduct disorder group 9) The mean duration of admission of conduct disorder group was 89.7 days, 22.4 days shorter than those of schizophrenic group and the mean number of follow up visits was 2.5, so 7.1 fewer than those of schizophrenic group 10) The most common chief problem of conduct disorder patients was glue sniffing and 71.1% of them had other associated diagnosis, among them substance abuse was most frequent 11) There were antecedent legal problems in 48% of conduct disorder patients and their parents had been indifferent or permissive and punitive to problem beha-vior 12) The mean frequency of isolation or physical restraint during admission was 6.5 times and they were recommended in order to control aggressive behavior or rulebreaking beha- 13) 82.9% of conduct disorder patients was prescribed medication during admission and antipsychotics were most frequently prescribed

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