8 adolescents with definite manic sympoms were studied in terms of the mode of onset, clinical symptoms, initial diagnoses and treatment response to lithium carbonate. At the initial evaluation, only 3 of 8 adoescents were diagnosed as manic affective disorders and the rest 5 cases were thought to be schizophreniform psychoses, reactive depression, brief reactive psychosis and adjustment disorders. However, all of them manifested definite manic symptoms during the follow-up period or on the subsequent admissions and all of them responded well to lithium carbonate and inpatient treatment. 4 of them had positive family history of affective disorder. Premorbid personality and adjustment were characterized by quiet, passive attitudes and low self esteem in most cases and manic episode seems to be self-grandiosement through reaction formation due to intolerable narcissitic injuries and increased pressure to assert themselves as a part of adolescent ego development. It is suggested that clinicians dealing with adolescents should be alert to the possibility of manic disorders especially when they present depression with positive family history of affective disorder and atypical psychosis with affective component.
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