Stress perception is considered as an important factor among a variety of ones having effects on diseases. Thus, patients with psychosomatic disorders were compared with those with emotional disorders and those with both the disorders in degree of stress pereception. The former showed lower scores than the latter two in stress perception, but there was no significant difference between the latter two. These results indicate that extent of stress perception depends on emotional state. In the psychosomatic patients, stress perception was noted to be positively correlated with frequency of life events, both positive and negative, although the latter was more likely to influence stress perception than the fromer. It indicates that recent perception of stress is influenced by frequency of life events regardless of their qulaity. There was also positive correlation between negative life events before one year and scores of stress perception in interpersonal relationship, which indicates that past life events influence recent perception of stress. It was found that stress perception was influenced by age and level of education in the psychosomatic patients with or without emotional disorders. The above results suggest that cognitive therapy as well as biofeedback treatment could be applied to prevention and treatment of psychosomatic disorders.
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