최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

갑상선기능과 정신증상의 상관관계 一우울 및 불안증상을 중심으로ᅳ

Correlation Between Thyroid Function and Psychiatric Symptoms — Especially Depression and Anxiety Symptom —

  • 47

It has been known that hypo or hyperfunction of thyroid gland induce depression like symptoms, such as fatigue and decreased libido, and anxiety like sympotoms, such as palpitation, tremor and irritabillity. The authors attempted to find out correlation between psychiatric symptoms and thyroid function within normal range, tested self-rating SCL-90-R and performed thyroid function test (total T4/TSH) to 82 persons who visited Mediscreen of this hospital to have their physical health evaluated from June to August 1987. The results were as followings * 1) All the depression-anxiety symptoms and GSI score began to increase significantly at the level of 10|ig/ml of total T4 (p〈0.05). 2) There was no relation between TSH level and psychiatric symptoms. 3) Since the above findings couldn’ t explain biologocal aspect of depression-anxiety symptoms by thyroid gland, the authors suggest that the thyroid function was affected secondly by primary psychological factors or emotional state, such as depression and anxiety of whatever causes.

서 론

연구대상 및 방법

결 과

토 론

결 론

