The purpose of this study is to observe the relation between affective states and thyroid function by measuring the serum levels of T:i, T4, TSH. The method of measuring was radioimmunoassay method. Subjects were 25 patients who were diagnosed as schizoaffective disorder, or major depression, or bipolar disorder, or manic episode at the Dept, of Neuropsychiatry of EWHA womans University Hospital from Jan. 1987. The normal controls of 24 persons who had neither psychiatric history nor family history of psychiatric illness were selected among patients who came to the same hospital for routine physical check-up during the same period of time. The results were as follows ; 1) The mean serum levels of T:{ and Ti in patient group were not significantly different from the control group. But TSH level was significantly lower in the patient group(p<9.1). 2) In schizoaffective patient group, the mean serum level of T! was higher than in the control groupCp^ 0.078). 3) In bipolar affective disorder and schizoaffective patients groups, TSH level was lower than in the control group(p= 0.1,p= 0.053). 4) In the patient group with prominent depressive symptoms, the mean level of TSH was significantly lower than in the control g ro u p (p = 0.035).
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