The purpose of this study was to investigate the therapeutic effects of psychodrama in the 18 hospitalized alcoholics who voluntarily participated in psychodrama as protagonist, auxiliary ego or audiance from Feb. 3 to June 2,1987. To measure the therapeutic effect, “the attitude toward others (AO) and the attitude toward self (A S )” scale of Gibson were obtained before and after the experiment. 16 patients who were on the ward during the same period, but did not participate in psychcodrama, served as a control group. The patients’ subjective estimation of the therapeutic factors after psychodrama were also obtained. The results were as follows • 1) The attitude toward drinking was not significantly different between experimental and control group. But more patients in the experimental group thought they had a problem in drinking, and problem driking was a disease. 2) AO score showed statistically significant improvement in the experimental group, but not in control group. 3) AS score showed minimal improvement both in experimental and control group. There was no statistically significant difference between two groups. 4) In the experimental group, 7 items of AO scale and 2 items of AS scale showed statistically meaningful improvement after psychodrama. 5) Patients in the experimental group chose Universality, Altruism and Insight, in that order of importance, as the helpful factors in psychodrama.
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