To evaluate antidepressant effects of SAME, the authors studied 25 depressed patents of 21 inpatients and 4 outpatients at the Department of Neuropsychiatry of Yeungnam Medical Center during the periods from January to July, 1987. The patients were consisted of 14 major depressive disorder, 2 bipolar disorder with depressive episode and 9 dysthymic disorder : each met the respective diagnostic criteria in DSM-111. Daily doses of 200mg of SAME were administered parenterally(i, m.) for 21 days. Using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, the evaluation of clinical effects were assessed weekly by trained raters. The results were as follows • All subjects made a significant improvement on the depressive symptoms (p < .001), showing a rapid symptom removal after the 7th day in most cases. Especially the scores on depressed mood, guilty feeling, suicidal ideation, work and interests and retardation were judged to be improved consistently. Side effects other than insomnia in 6 patients, mood elation in 2 bipolar patients and nausea in one patient were not observed.
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