최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

질병행동에 대한 일반인들의 태도 조사

Lay People’s Attitude toward Illness Behavior

  • 30

The authors attemped to identify lay people’ s attitudes toward illness behavior for the purpose of providing available materials for understanding the patients’ medical behavior and planning the effective health care system. For this study Q-methodology was used, and the 40 statements were Q-sorted by 30 males and 32 females of various backgrounds. The 40 statements consist of opinions and attitudes toward the concept of disease, the cause of disease, the choice of treatment, belief in modem medicine, social and traditional values, health care system, the view of life and religion. The data were statistically treated by Q factor analysis and 5 characteristic factors were duly extracted. The characteristic features of each factor were as follows : Factor A : The subjects of this factor have optimistic attitude toward the development of science and have a preference for the modem medicine, and seem to want unitary health care system. They are mostly highly educated. These people were named as The Modern Medicine Followers. Factor B : The subjects of this factor believe the modem medicine, at the same time have a preference for the folk therapy and Han BangCherb medicine). They firmly oppose the religious therapy and have conservative attitude toward the society. They are mostly non-religious people. The Folk-Oriented People is probable name. Factor C * These persons have no confidence on the modem medicine, also have no specific preference for a certain therapy and accept all therapeutic regimens. They assert pluralistic health care system. The majority of theses persons were young people. The name of The Syncretic People is mostly suitable. Factor D : The subjects of this factor have firmly negative attitude toward modem medicine and depend on the other people s experience or opinion. Their view of life may be continent and pessimistic. The Modern Medicine Negativist is labled on this factor. F a c to r E : T h e s e s people have no co n fid en ce on th e m o d em m e d icin e an d o rie n te d to H an Bang, folk therapy and religious therapy. They emphasis religion and assert the pluralistic health care system. The majority of theses people have religion. The name of The Religious is suitable. A Prominant finding is that all factors except factor A have a preference for various therapeutic regimens including Han Bang, folk therapy and pharmacy medication

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