This study was an attempt to investigate the factors which affected the residents in choosing a medical specialty, and the difference in the personality characteristcs among the residents of various specialties. The data were collected from 186 residents working for Seoul National University Hospital by using self-rating questionnaire including Cattell’ s sixteen personality factor test from June 7, 1987 to July 4, 1987. The results were as follows ; 1) The most influential factor for the residents to choose medical specialty was academic interest in the specialty (63.7% ). Personality was ranked, second (56.5 % ), the prospects of the specialty, third (34.6% ), the impresssion on the specialty they had had in medical school, fourth(32.2% ), and the atmosphere of the specialty department, fifth(3 1 .2 ^). 2) Female residents were more influenced by sexual difference in choosing their specialties than male residents. Non-Kim* s were more influenced by their status than K im ’ s. The residents who had a physician in their relatives were more influenced by their opinion than the residents who had not. The economic status of the residents’ parent or patron didn’ t show significant difference and the academic record in medical school didn’ t show signficant difference. 3) We also examined the personality characteristics of the residents according to 16 PF. The residents were high in the factor of ‘Independency,, while they were low in the factor of *Consistency’Trusting,, and‘Conventionality’ . 4) The residents of Surgical departments were higher in the factor of Tough-mindedness than the residents of Medical, Service and Psychiatric departments, higher in the factor of‘Lea dership’than the residents of Medical and Minor Surgical departments and higher in the factor of Initiative-drive than the residents of Minor Surgical departments. The residents of Psychiatric departments were higher in the factor of ‘Initiative-drive’ than the residents of all the other departmentss, higher in the factor of ‘Stability* than the residents of Medical Service and Minor Surgical departments and higher in the factor of * Leadership* than the residents of Minor Surgical departments. The residents of Minor Surgical departments were lower in the factor of ‘Enthusiasm,than all the other departments.
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