State anxiety during menstrual cycle phases was studied in 90 unmarried nursing college students. The level of trait anxiety and state anxiety was scored by self-evaluated method using STAl(State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) in each menstrual cycle phase for 2 months. The mean scores of STAI in each menstrual cycle phases was analyzed and correlated with self-evaluated personality characteristics. The results are as follows ; 1) The score of state anxiety in menstrual phase was significantly higher than those in other menstrual cycle phases. 2) The level of state anxiety in menstrual phase was not correlated with the level of trait anxiety, while the level of state anxiety in other menstrual cycle phases were correlated positively with those of trait anxiety. 3) The level of state anxiety in menstrual phase was higher in those whose self-evaluated personality characteristics were introverted, pessimistic, negativistic and neurotic than in those whose self-evaluated personality characteristics were extroverted, optimistic, positive and normal. And the level of state anxiety in midfollicular phase was higher in those with irregular menstrual cyde than in those with regular one.
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연구대상 및 방법
연 구 결 과
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