최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

精神分裂病의 5年 追跡調査 - 後向性 硏究 -

5 -Year Follow -Up Study of Schizophrenia — Retrospective Study—

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To explore the possible factors affecting the course of schizophrenia and to clarify some questions on the nature of schizophrenia, a structured retrospective study was carried out to 142 patients (male 74’ female 68) discharged from psychiatric department of Seoul National University Hospital during July, 1st 1981 &#8212; June, 30th 1982. The study group consisted of 97 patients diagnosed as schizophrenia according to DSM-III and 45 controls, who met the following screening criterias, i.e., i) between the ages of 16 and 65, ii) no evidence of organic, drug related or alcohol disorder, iii) psychotic symptoms not due to any other mental disorders, such as manic episode, or atypical psychosis, or factitious disorder, etc. The data at index discharge were obtained from clinical records and filled up by one of researchers Five year follow-up assessment was performed by 4 trained medical students, blind to clinical records, from Jan, 20th through Feb, 28th 1987. Among them 78 patients (male 40,female 38) were able to be traced and successfully interviewed. The average duration of follow-up was 62.2 ± 7.2 months (mean ± S.D.). To investigate the prognostic significance and specific relations between predictors and outcome variables, 49 predictor variables were chosen from clinical records and 18 outcome variables were selected and grouped by 5-outcome dimensions. Outcome variables were length of rehospitalization during follow-up period, rehospitalization during the last one year, quality of social contact during the last one year, deterioration of work performance during the last one year, severity of psychopathology during the last one year. Results demonstrated some differences between schizophrenia and control groups in clinical records and follow-up assessments. Schizophrenia group definitely showed poorer outcomes than control group. Correlations of individual predictor variables with outcome were calculated, although significant statistically (P < 0.05) were modest in their magnitude. Multiple regression analysis of the presenting predictor variables to the outcome dimensions showed correlation .29 &#8212; .77,thus explaining statistically about 8-59% of the outcome variance in schziophrenia group. Among them some predictor variables, i.e, work performance during the last one year, social contacts during the last one year, etc, presented high correlations with these outcome variables. Intercorrelations among the 5 outcome dimensions for schizophrenia group were calculated, dimensions correlated each other to a minimal or moderate degrees. Among them social contact correlated highly with individual outcome dimensions

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