In the view point of transcultural psychiatry, minor psychiatric disorder-so called neurosisare more subject to sociocutural influences than major psychiatric disturbance. Yet very few studies have focused systemically on the cultural dimension of these minor psychiatric conditions. This study was designed for a comparison of the neurotic symptoms between urban and rural areas according to their sociocutural differences. The author applied Symptom Check List for Minor Psychistric Disorders(SCL-MPD) to the four groups; 200 non-patient peoples in Seoul city, 135 non-patient in rural areas, 155 neurotic patients in Seoul City and 91 neurotic patients in rural areas. The results were summerized as followings; 1. In the non-patient population; 1) The five symptom dimensions- somatization (p < .001), depression (p < .01), anxietyphobic (p < .01), hypochondriasis (p < .01), general (p < .01) — were significantly higher in rural subjects. 2) When 67 each item was compared between both groups, the 23 items were higher in rural while only 2 items in urban. 2. In the neurotic patients; All the symptom dimensions and all the items were not significantly different between both groups. 3. When the neurotic symptoms were chosen according to their frequencies, the symptom most frequently complained was 416-overconcern about your health’ in normal population of both urban and rural areas. In the neurotic patients, frequently complained symptoms were not different in both groups. 4. When the neurotic symptoms were compared according to sex variable, the anger-hostile dimension were significantly highr in normal subjects of urban area, and the somatzation dimension were higher in the female subjects of all the 4 groups
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