Korea has changed from an agricultural to an industrial society, and with this change have come many others. Among them the family style is being changed from the stem family to the nuclear. Housewife may manifest a variety of psychiatric problems, including depression which was used as an index of a psychopathology of the housewives in this study, stemming from the mother-in-law/daugher-in-law conflict. Author investigated whether mother-in-law/ daughter-in-law conflict presents or t, using Zung’s SDS-score of the housewife by the family style. The results are as follows; 1) There was no significant difference in the depressive trait of the housewives by the family style without thinking of the other variables affecting depression & subject population’s characteristics. 2) Occupation, disease, economic status change state after marriage, mother-in-law’s satisfaction degree with daughter-in-law, relationship between mother-in-law and husband, maturity of husband present economic status, mother-inlaw^ educational background were the significant variables affecting the depressive trait of house-wife. 3) There was no association between the family style and the variable affecting the depressive trait of housewife. 4) The SDS-score of stem family’s housewife was higher than the nuclear when correcting the economic status, which suggests mother-in-law/ daughter-in-law conflict present in the general population.
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