A host of research reports have been yielded upon the variation of the immune function in schizophrenic patients and especially upon the diversification of the serum immunoglobulin. Researchers, however, have tendered their reports of different purports hence they fail to accord in the opinion. The purpose of this study is to specify the relation between the schizophrenic disorder and the immune function by measuring the concentration of the serum immunoglobulin in the schizophrenic patients admitted with relatively acute symptoms and observing the variation of the serum immunoglobulin in the clinical course of treatment. The control group includes 25 healthy volunteers and the patient group contains 20 patients who were diagnosed as schizophrenic disorder through DSM-III, out of those who had been admitted in the Neuropsychiatric Department of Hanyang University Hospital from July 6,1986 to October 16,1986. After admission, all of the patients were administered antipsychotic drugs. The serum immunoglobulin was measured first within 24 hours after admission and secondly when 8-35 days passed The result of the research is a sfollows; 1) On admission a significant increase of the serum IgG was found in the schizophrenic patients (1,489 ± 258mg/dl) as compared with the control group (1,243 ± l 97mg/dl),while little difference was shown in the serum IgA and the serum IgM. 2) Only the serum IgG significantly decreased after treatment in the schizophrenic patients as compared with the time when they were first admitted in the hospital while little difference was still found in the serum IgA and the serum IgM. The finding that the serum IgG increased in the schizophrenic patients when they were admitted can be refered to the possibilities furnished below within the limits of this study. (a) Symptom of schizophrenic disorder can be directly caused by an increase of the serum IgG. (b) Schizophrenic disorder can be considered as a kind of autoimmune disease. (c) Schizophrenic disorder can be related to the viral infection. (d) Schizophrenic disorder can be related to the emotional stress. (e) Schizophrenic disorder can be evolved from the undetected medical disease despite possible controlls. In the same way, the fact the serum IgG was reduced after treatment in the schizophrenic patients as compared with the time when they were admitted can be refered to these two possibilities, (a) that the decrease is related to the psychotropic drugs. (b) that as the acute symptom fades and the emotional stress diminishes, the serum IgG begins to decrease. Although several factors have been studied hereby to find some reliable reasons for the diversification of the serum immunoglobulin, which have yet to be better specified, it seems necessary to promote ceaseless and extended researches into the relation between the mental disorder and the immune function
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