In the present study, we examined Vmax and Km for platelet MAO activity in order to see if there is a significant relationship between platelet MAO and clinical features (paranoid and nonparanoid). It is also an attempt to determine the possible effects of neuroleptics on platelet MAO. The subjects consisted of 28 male schizophrenics by DMS-III who were admitted to the Department of Neuropsychiatry, KangNam St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, and Catholic Hospital, Daegu. Normal controls consisted of 13 male college students. The results were as follows; 1) Schizophrenic subjects had a significantly lower mean (8.00 ±3.13 nmoles/108 platelets/hour) and Km (38.60 ± 10.36 x 1CT6M) values for platelet MAO activity than normal controls (11.29 ± 2.32, 55.18 ± 16.95; P < 0.005) 2) The values of Vmax of a paranoid group (7.04 ± 2.09 nmoles/108 plateles/hour) were significantly lower than a non-paranoid group (9.49 ±3.92 nmoles/108 platelets/hour). There were no significant differences in Km values between a paranoid group and a non-paranoid group. 3) There was no significant difference in Vmax for platelet MAO activity between drug-treated schizophrenics and drug-free schizophrenics. However, K m values for platelet MAO activity were significantly increased in drugtreated schizophrenics.
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