최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Beck Depression Inventory를 이용한 내과 환자의 우울성향 조사 보고

A Clinical Study of Depressive Trends in Medically ill Patients with the Beck Depression Inventory

  • 44

It has been known that many medically ill patients have psychological problems, such as depression or anxiety. Many have attempted to define these problems objectively and several self-rating devices for depression or anxiety have been developed. This study was designed to investigate the characteristics of depressive trends in medically ill patients. The author performed Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI) on 82 inpatients & 93 outpatients in Kyung-Hee University hospital and 200 normal subjects from August to September, 1986. The results were as follows; 1) In comparison of the three groups, the difference of total score of BDI was significant, especially between inpatients and normal subjects. 2) The total score of BDI of female was significantly higher than that of male in outpatients and normal subjects. 3) The BDI score of low educational group was significantly higher than that of high educational group in outpatients and normal subjects. 4) In normal subjects, BDI score was significantly increased by aging, but not in inpatients and outpatients. 5) Categorized as depression were 39.0% of inpatients, 30.1% of outpatients, and 27.0% of normal subjects, when the tentative cut off score was 21. 6) The significant items among three groups were items, No. 3,15,16,17, 18,19,20 and 21, which were manifestations of somatization in the depression. 7) Depending upon above findings, BDI is thought to be a useful device for screening depressive trends in medically ill patients

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