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KCI등재 학술저널

단기 집단 정신치료의 치유 인자에 대한 연구

Curative Factors in Short-term Group Psychotherapy

  • 14

To evaluate patients,perceptions of curative factors in short-term group psychotherapy, we studied 48 patients who had been admitted to a 32-bed short-term psychiatric unit of a large teaching hospital and 7 volunteer college students who had no previous psychiatric treatment experience and two of whom were dropped out in last Q-sorting during 6 months from March, 1986 to August, 1986. All participants were requested to complete Q-sorting for Yalom’s curative factors after treatment-termination or when they will be supposed to be dropped out. The results were as follows; 1) The factors valued important by the patient population were existential factors, self understanding, instillation .of hope and universality in upper ranks. And the factors valued important by the volunteer population were interpersonal input, catharsis, existential factors and interpersonal output in upper ranks. 2) Compared to the foreign study, in our study existential factor was most valued. By contrast, altruism was least valued. 3) The curative factors ranked by the volun teer population were highly correlated to Maxmen’s (1973) findings and Marcovitz’s (1983) findings. And it suggests that the ranks of the curative factors will be valued each other by several independent variables. 4) In the adolescent population, the factors valued important by the low function level population were instillation of hope and guidance. And the factors valued important by the high function level population were catharsis. Especially, the factor valued important by the marital population and the manic-depressiveillness population were universality. 5) The patients perceived identification toward the therapist and guidance of the therapist very importantly. 6) With respect to self understanding, the participants valued more important self understanding based current problems than genetic insight. 7) With respect to catharsis, focused expressvity was valued more improtant than pure ventillation. Among the items of focused expressvity, expressivity toward the members was valued more important than expressivity toward the therapist. 8) In application of Q methodology, when Q factor analysis in the axis of the participants is performed, several attitudes that have regular ranks of the curative factors will be extracted according the function level.

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