In order to examine symptomatological difference between depression with pain symptoms and depression without pain symptoms, 40 subjects with the DSM-III diagnosis of major depression were rated for their symptoms using HRS-D and 22 depressives with pain and 18 depressives without pain were compared for the rated symptomatology. The result were as follows; 1) A t-test for each symptom items of HRS-D comparing between the two groups revealed that the depressives with pain had higher ratings of suicide, agitation, psychic anxiety, somatic anxiety, general somatic symptoms and hypochondriasis but lower rating of retardation. 2) Out of six factors derived from factor analysis, factor 1 composed of agitation, psychic anxiety, somatic anxiety, general somatic symptoms and retardation (negative saturation) and factor 2 of suicide, depressed mood and gastrointestinal somatic symptoms had significantly higher factor scores in the depressives with pain than in those without pain. From these results, the author suggests that some symptomatological difference exists between depression with pain and depression without pain, thus supporting a ground for a new possible classification of depression.
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